Saying Goodbye to Claire


Au Revoir Claire

Last Day March 12th

Claire and I met over 4 years ago, at a little coffee shop downtown. She was sweet, sincere and had the thickest French accent and only about 6 months of learning English. Since that time we have grown so much together. There has been many english classes taken, college degrees earned, miles of travel done, tears shed, laughter shared and many life lessons learned.

So this is my little public letter of love and gratitude for our friendship. I’m so proud of her and excited to watch the next part of life unfold. I encourage you to come visit her before she leaves and wish her well.

Claire will definitely come back to visit occasionally and if you travel to Montreal or live there you are welcome to ask to be connected with her once she is all settled.

Her last day will be Thursday March 12th. That day will come quickly so don’t leave it till the last minute to book in with her.



The Ladies