Interview with Claire: Part 1


Hey Claire,

We're got some questions for you!

How and or why did you get into this line of work?

Back in Montreal, a girlfriend was in this line of work and said it was a really fun and sensual job. I was trying to save up to buy a car and she was able to get me work at a lounge doing massage.

This is a three parter. Do you like your job? What’s your favourite and least favourite part of your job?

I love my job because everyday we talk with different types of intelligent people. I feel good when I see my client happy, that's really important to me. The part of my job that is most difficult is when clients push boundaries. Luckily we have such wonderful, respectful clients here so that rarely happens.

What qualities do you feel you bring to your sessions?

I'm very affectionate and sensual. My accent is often a hit with people as well. 

What’s your go to pressure for massage? Soft/medium/firm?

Medium but always flexible to the client's request. I also do an amazing tease with my nails.

What makes a client a ‘favourite’ in your mind?

Showing up, being respectful and having good hygiene. I also like when I can learn something new from a client.

Tips for being a good client/having the best experience?

Treat us like you would any other working professional in another field that you would expect to receive good service from. Kindness begets kindness.

The Ladies